Friday, February 19, 2010

New diggs

As you may have noticed things have changed a bit here at the Smoking Redhead Club. (freakin' HaloScan)

It turns out that HaloScan (grrrr) decided to shut down, forcing me to export all of my comments.

Once that was done I found out that Blogger & HaloScan (*&$%#) don't currently have a system to inport all comments back to Blogger plus my old HTML had stripped all of the old Blogger code.

It turns out that it was easier to just go with the redesign than try to put all the code back into my current template.

Now I wait with all my exported comment files for Blogger to implement a tool to inport comments.

I'm sorry that I've lost all of your old comments for the moment but feel free to leave new ones ;)

Edit: Ya know, I think I really like the redesign. Its growing on me. I find it a lot more cheerful and serene than the other and I kind of need that right now.


Osbasso said...

I like it! I vow to be the last person on earth to switch over to "new" Blogger though!

The Smoking Redhead said...

Hehe, I like it too, its cheerful.


(it's not so bad)

WDKY said...

I like it too. I was thinking about doing the same thing myself, but it took my yonks to tweak my template until I had it just how I wanted it, and even though I'm not really posting any more I couldn't quite make that decision. So, I'm now paying for something I don't need instead :-)

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Your new look is lovely, and I hope you're feeling a little better.

T x

Professor Fate said...

I hardly knew where I was. It is cheerful and springy.

Phoenix said...

I'm diggin' the new look. :)

Deech said...

Love the new digs! Awesome...

And no worries, I have a lot more comments where that came from!

The Smoking Redhead said...

Hey gang, thanks. I am liking it too and felt the need for something cheerful.


(Oh, and I'll inport all of the previous comments as soon as possible.)